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 Japanese Professional Dominatrix Escort
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including but not limited to images and descriptions of sadomasochism.
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Japanese Mistress Sakura

Mistress Sakura 【Japanese Speaker Only】

Japanese Mistress Len

Mistress Len 【English Available】


Our shop is an Femdom Escort PRIVATE BDSM CLUB (Mistress Only),

a meeting and dispatch Escort type in Nippombashi, Osaka, Japan.

Please enjoy to spend a sweet and sadistic fetish time with the Mistress.


Hard play, Fetish play, Couple training, Multiple training, Group training
Please enjoy to extraordinary session with the Expert Fetish Mistress.


Our registered  Mistress video of Japan.

(Mistress Land, SM Queen Road, Boots Museum, SUKEBAN KICK, BTC, Kitagawa Pro, Yapoos Market, etc.)

Mistress Kira has appeared in many SM-related media such as fetish works and fetish events.

copyright @ 2018 OSAKA JAPAN Domination Mistress Kira Official Site KR All rights reserved.
This site includes porn and BDSM.Those under the age of 18 can not enter.Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited.

copyright @ 2018 Mistress Kira OSAKA JAPAN Escort FEMDOM BDSM CLUB KR All rights reserved.

This site includes porn and BDSM.Those under the age of 18 can not enter.Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited.

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